Friday, 28 December 2012

Thursday, 27 December 2012



The West Antarctic Ice Sheet is warming at twice the rate previously thought, say scientists who have teased the information from more than 50 years of temperature data at Byrd Station, in the center of the ice. The average temperature at that station has risen 4.3 degrees F (2.4 degrees C) since 1958, which is triple the warming rate of most of the planet and on par with the very fastest warming parts of the world.
Of particular concern is that the warming is partially taking place in the summer months. That's when the already seasonal warmth, plus the new higher average air temperatures, combine and increase the likelihood of major melting events that destabilize the ice shelves. Those shelves hold back a lot of Antarctic glacial ice from reaching the sea, explained Ohio State University's David Bromwich, the lead author on the study, which was published in the latest issue of Nature Geoscience.
“Lots of melting can do lots of damage to the ice shelves,” Bromwich told Discovery News. And that can ramp up Antarctica's contribution to sea level rise worldwide. “We know that these melting events can happen today and we are likely to see more melting events.”
Researchers have already documented accelerating of glaciers along the Amundsen Sea coast, which is dumping more West Antarctic ice into the sea, but warmer sea temperatures had been seen as the primary cause of that. Air temperatures have been harder to pin down, due to large gaps in the records at Byrd Station.
“There are very, very few observations for that part of the world,” said Davis Schneider an Antarctic researcher at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, and not a contributor to the new study. Thinning ice sheets, borehole temperature readings and ice cores all provide indirect evidence of warming, he said, but what's been needed is “ground-truthing” with old fashioned thermometer data.


Tuesday, 18 December 2012



1. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short not to enjoy it.
4. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and family will.
5. Don’t buy stuff you don’t need.
6. You don’t have to win every argument. Stay true to yourself.
7. Cry with someone. It’s more healing than crying alone.
8. It’s OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
9. Save for things that matter.
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
11. Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present.
12. It’s OK to let your children see you cry.
13. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn’t be in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye… But don’t worry; God never blinks.
16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
17. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful.  Clutter weighs you down in many ways.
18. Whatever doesn’t kill you really does make you stronger.
19. It’s never too late to be happy.  But it’s all up to you and no one else.
20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don’t take no for an answer.
21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don’t save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
22. Overprepare, then go with the flow.
23. Be eccentric now. Don’t wait for old age to wear purple.
24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words, ‘In five years, will this matter?’
27. Always choose Life.
28. Forgive but don’t forget.
29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
30. Time heals almost everything. Give Time time.
31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
32. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn’t do.
35. Don’t audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
36. Growing old beats the alternative — dying young.
37. Your children get only one childhood.
38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s, we’d
grab ours back.
41. Envy is a waste of time. Accept what you already have, not what you think you need.
42. The best is yet to come…
43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
44. Yield.
45. Life isn’t tied with a bow, but it’s still a gift.

Monday, 17 December 2012

Laptop Functions for an iPad

Laptop Functions for an iPad

There are hoards of iPad cases, keyboards, speakers and the like out there. Heck, we report on some of the best virtually every day. As iPad’s increase in popularity they really become as valuable if not more-so than our laptops. Slowly but surely we are able to do more and more of our daily functions on these revolutionary tablets. So why not enable yourself the familiar laptop comfort and functionality?
The Brydge enables your iPad to become the laptop form factor you are used to. Simply click your pad into the Brydge dock and pair using Bluetooth. The full-sized, anodized aluminum keyboard is as efficient as the laptop keyboard you know. With stereo speakers built in you will easily hear everything. Flip it open and you get almost 180° rotation for the ‘screen’ to provide the best viewing angle.  Close the device for portability. The keyboard and pad go to sleep and you maintain a sort of MacBook Air profile. Or carry it while open if you choose. The Brydge serves as a stand too. Easily release your iPad with a firm pull. No attachments, cords or cables required. At this time The Brydge is compatible with iPad generations 2, 3 and 4. This smart device got started via crowdfunding earlier this year and is now in full production. Order on their website – currently featuring $10-20 off for the holidays. The full Brydge+ with the above features runs $210. A speakerless version runs $170 and a poly-carbonate version runs $130 during the holiday sale. So get in on The Brydge and don’t sacrifice the comfort you are used to from your laptop.

PhoneSuit Flex Micro Battery Pack for smartphones

PhoneSuit Flex Micro Battery Pack for smartphones

In this day and age, we tend to take our smartphones for granted, and sure, the kind of technology that our phones pack do seem to last longer than normal while offering more and more functions, but there are still moments in life where one might have just forgotten about charging up the smartphone for the day’s events ahead. Well, perhaps in order to prevent those “doggone it!” moments, there is always a device like the PhoneSuit Flex Micro Battery Pack, which as its name suggests, is a portable, “on the go” battery that was specially designed to deliver instant power to energy hungry smartphones.
How does the PhoneSuit Flex Micro Battery Pack work? Well, it does not matter if you need that final push to complete a phone call (be it during an emergency or when you need to close that multi-million dollar deal), to tune in to your favorite Internet radio station, or even to watch movies – the PhoneSuit Flex is able to handle it all. Touted as one of the smallest and most powerful battery packs that are currently available in the market, it will sport a high capacity 2600 mAh battery that is packed in a device which measures roughly the size of a person’s thumb.
This enables the Flex to, er, “flex” it’s battery power to deliver double the power or a full charge, on majority of smartphones out there. The PhoneSuit Flex’s tiny size and integrated connector tip will enable users of it to hook up the battery straight to their smartphone when traveling. The PhoneSuit Flex will even remain attached and securely in place even as you use the smartphone, making it one of the more ideal solutions for folks who want the advantage of portable power without having to worry about the bulk of a battery case, or in some other cases, a large battery pack solution.
Expect to fork out $79.95 for the PhoneSuit Flex Micro Battery Pack if you are interested.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Does the iPhone 5 Make your Old Accessories Obsolete?

Does the iPhone 5 Make your Old Accessories Obsolete?

I’m on the fence as to how I feel about the new iPhone. I can say that I only recently broke down and got the 4S… only weeks before the 5, which always happens to me. When I start to feel really aggravated I think about all those iGizmo makers, all their stuff just got obsolete as well. The iPhone 5 has a brandy-new plug… it won’t work with things like my old speakers, so now what?
How can I use all my old accessories with this new eight-prong “Lightning” connector. It’s so much smaller than the classic 30-pin connector that graces my iPod, iPad and iPhone. Never fear, of course Apple has you covered, for a price. Check out the Lightening-to-30 pin adaptor already available for pre-order at the Apple Store.
So the new connector will let you get more mileage out of your old accessories although video and iPod out will not be available. So the question is this, is the lure of the new iPhone enough to make you want to shell out an additional 29 bucks to be able to still use your old accessories? or will you step up and buy new ones?
The Lightening-to-30 pin Adaptor is currently available only for pre-order, with shipping expected sometime in October. Sign up for yours at and let me know what’s hot (or not) about the new lineup of Apple iGadgets.

Apple updates their Mac mini, is cheapest Mac to date

Apple updates their Mac mini, is cheapest Mac to date

When someone says that he or she is going to pick up an Apple Mac computer, you would most probably think that said person does have a pretty full bank account to begin with. After all, Mac computers do carry the reputation (which is not that true anymore these days) that they are more expensive than their PC counterparts. For folks who want the Apple experience without the need for so much firepower, here is news for you – there is a spanking new updated Mac mini that carries with it a third generation dual-core Intel Core i5 and quad-core Intel Core i7 processors, while carrying integrated graphics which are touted to be up to 65% faster than its predecessor. The updated Mac mini will feature 4GB RAM (maximum of 16GB), a quartet of USB 3.0 ports, Thunderbolt support, HDMI output, an SDXC memory card slot, Gigabit Ethernet, and FireWire 800 ports.
All of those will be crammed into the very same compact aluminum form factor, without causing it to overheat or consume more juice than it ought to. In fact, the Mac mini is capable of meeting stringent Energy Star 5.2 requirements and achieve an EPEAT Gold rating. Sipping on just 11W of juice when idle, it has been claimed by Apple to be the “most energy efficient desktop computer in the world”. You can pick up the Mac Mini from $599 onward if you are interested, depending on the configuration.

Watch an iPad Mini Strip Show

Watch an iPad Mini Strip Show

Happy iPad Mini launch day! Sure the iPad Mini is cute. But the gurus at – home of repair manuals and parts for gadgets galore – want to get to the bottom of the device. So yes, they dissected an out-of-the-box unit earlier this week in their iPad MiniTeardown. View the step by step process at the video below or on their website.
Interesting findings along the way include:
  • Held together with “lots of adhesive”
  • Glass not fused to the front display – makes for easy repairability
  • Same metal plate protecting internals, like with newest iPod Touch
  • Confusion as to batteries real specs (information on the battery varies versus spec information released by Apple). Regardless, ifixit seems curious as to whether battery will last 10 hours – as reported – as the mini battery has about 50% of the power of an iPad 2.
  • Dock connector sodered to the logic board – means connector replacement has to include a new board
As they do with other devices, ifixit gives the iPad Mini a ‘repairability  score’. I’ll let you watch the video to see the results. If an iPad Mini may be in your future but you are seeking feedback take a look and give ifixit’s findings consideration before you buy.

Router Keeps You in Control

Router Keeps You in Control

Remember your first router? Oooohhhh, aaaaah. You were the coolest on your block because you could wire CAT-5 allover in order to hookup more than one computer to your whopping 512kbps Internet speed. And then the whole wireless thing happened (thank goodness). Now routers have become so plug and play that my 80 year old neighbor connected his with no problems. Though I’m not sure how many signal poachers he may have. So what happens next? Routers hold a ton of valuable information. D-Link wants you to access it – from anywhere.
The D-Link DIR-605L gives you everything you would expect from a leader in networking technology, plus remote access. The unit provides perfect coverage for medium to large sized homes, with up to 300Mbps and WPS. N standard means it will be backwards compatible and you still have 4 ports if needed. The unique thing about the 605L is that when setup, you get access to your own cloud control which continuously tracks the activities of your router. Add the free D-Link app for iPad, iPhone or Android to your device and you can remotely tap into the activities. View browsing history of whoever may be home while you are at work. The kids will think you have a spy in the house! Nervous about who is using the network while away?  Check which devices are connected to the network anytime or even receive email alerts when unwanted devices attempt to log on. The D-Link Wizard means setup is as easy as you would expect. Right now you can even get a unit at a $39.99 promo price on D-Link’s site (normally $59.99).  So if you ever have nerves about network usage and browsing when you are away the D-Link DIR-605L router can provide invaluable peace of mind and the router technology you need.

DIY Touchscreen Gloves

DIY Touchscreen Gloves

If you or someone you know has wanted a pair of those slick gloves to use on touchscreen phones and tablets, stop looking. The good people at Popular Science recently published a do-it-yourself method of turning gloves into gadget gloves. OK, so it may be more fun to buy a pair and gift them. But if you are watching your budget – or want a pair yourself – take a look at these instructions, as republished from Popular Science.
1. Order silver-plated nylon thread (silver conducts electricity). This can be difficult to find in stores, but major online retailers carry it.
2. Pick a pair of gloves to modify. Although leather works, it’s harder to push a needle through.
3. Stitch the figure of a star or other solid shape onto the glove’s index finger with the thread, making sure it will contact both the touchscreen and your skin.
4. Bundle up and tap away.

The Pope gets Twitter account

The Pope gets Twitter account

So here are millions and millions of folks out there who already own a Twitter account, with some stalkers having more than just one. Well, one of the world’s most revered spiritual leaders, the Pope, has finally jumped aboard the Twitter bandwagon officially, where he is now able to send Twitter messages to the Catholic faithful via the handle @pontifex, which is actually his personal account, at least according to the Vatican. According to a spokesman, Pope Benedict XVI intended to “reach out to everyone” with tweets – and in order to achieve the maximum exposure, whatever the man of God tweets will be translated into eight languages.
It is said that if you want to know just what the Pope’s first tweet is all about from the @pontifex account, then wait for December 12th to know more. @pontifex means “pontiff” as well as “builder of bridges”, and both of them are very apt for a man of the Pope’s stature. Of course, this December 12th would not be the first tweet from the Pope, as he already sent his first tweet in 2011 (albeit using a Vatican account) in order to roll out the Holy See’s news information portal.
Greg Burke, senior media advisor to the Vatican, said, “We are going to get a spiritual message. The Pope is not going to be walking around with a Blackberry or an iPad and no-one is going to be putting words into the Pope’s mouth. He will tweet what he wants to tweet.”
According to the Vatican, the Pope will rely on a question-and-answer format for his first Twitter session, where he will focus mainly on answering questions concerning the faith, limited by just 140 characters tops for each reply.
In fact, the Vatican has already begun to invite folks to start sending in questions ahead of time so that the Pope will have enough time to formulate his answer when the time comes. Will the Pope overtake Justin Bieber in terms of Twitter followers eventually?

Monday, 3 December 2012

Fears Rise Among Free Net Advocates as UN Meeting Kicks Off

Fears Rise Among Free Net Advocates as UN Meeting Kicks Off

Today in international tech news: An international gathering to discuss regulatory changes to the Internet has netizens spooked. Also: Yahoo is hit with a huge fine in Mexico, Australia is the latest nation to focus on multinationals' tax-avoidance practices, and a handful of China's Web-based companies are financing growth with debt.

The UN-sponsored World Conference on International Telecommunications, which will feature government regulators from 193 countries, opened Monday, prompting fears that the meeting could ultimately damage Internet freedom.
According to the BBC, the UN's International Telecommunications Union is trying to allay concerns that the conference will result in restrictions to free speech and the flow of information. Google, for its part, has warned that the event is a threat to the free Internet, invoking the adage, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
The ITU, founded in 1865, was originally designed to focus on telegrams, but now oversees other types of communications. It has, for instance, helped develop standards for international telephone networks and allocates communications satellite orbits.
The current conference, which could last up to two weeks, marks the first time since 1988 that the ITU "has overseen a major overhaul of telecommunications regulations."
The U.S. has warned that some of the proposals put forth are invasive and violate democratic ideals. To wit, Russia and some Arab nations are pushing for permission to do things such as restrict content or impose universal identification for Web users.

Yahoo Faces Hefty Fine in Mexico

Yahoo faces a US$2.7 billion non-final judgment in a Mexican lawsuit over a Yellow Pages listing service.
According to Bloomberg, the litigation was brought by Worldwide Directories SA and Ideas Interactivas SA. They allege a breach of contract, breach of profits and lost profits.
The $2.7 billion verdict, however, might not stand. The figure likely represents more money than Mexico's entire Internet advertising industry has generated and probably is not a credible amount, according to an expert cited by Bloomberg.
Yahoo's market value is roughly $22 billion.

Australia Takes Tough Stand on Taxes

Australia will crack down on practices -- legal though they may be -- used by multinational companies to avoid paying taxes.
According to Reuters, Australia's proposals include the preventing profit shifting and eanalyzing strategies to reduce tax bills that are employed by multinational companies. They harken to similar decreesfrom Britain and Germany..
On Nov. 22, Australia's assistant treasurer, David Bradbury, singled out Google, detailing the company's strategies for limiting corporate taxes.
He dubbed Google's tax structure a "Double-Irish-Dutch Sandwich," referring to its practice of routing income to Ireland, then sending a royalty to a Dutch subsidiary -- which then repays a second Irish holding company controlled in Bermuda. Bermuda, it so happens, has no corporate tax.
According to documents, last year Google's Australian subsidiary paid $815,074 in tax. Media reports, however, have pegged Google's Australian advertising to be worth more than $1 billion. Google asserts it has done nothing illegal.
Australia's proposals could discourage foreign companies from investing there, according to tax specialists cited by Reuters.

Chinese Net Companies Cash In on Low Interest

A trio of dominant Chinese Internet companies are fueling growth with billions of dollars in debt, according to Reuters.
Baidu, which operates China's dominant search engine; Alibaba its top e-commerce outlet, and Tencent Holdings, which operates the wildly popular messaging service QQ, have accumulated a combined $6 billion in debt. The companies plan to use their coffers to bolster their domestic lead, expand their operations abroad and maybe buy foundering rivals.
Reuters attributes the funds to ultra-low interest rates on U.S. government bonds, which has driven down borrowing costs around the globe.
Baidu, for instance, is reported to have raised $1.5 billion -- in November alone -- largely by selling 10-year bonds at a yield of 3.518 percent. This, Reuters explains, is tantalizingly close to the rate of U.S. Treasury Bonds, which are considered more or less risk-free. In May 2011, Google sold 10-year bonds with a yield of 3.734.

By David Vranicar

How Lenovo Is Resurrecting the PC

How Lenovo Is Resurrecting the PC

 Lenovo wins because it invests in marketing, it gets quality marketing people, and it executes strong demand-focused campaigns -- using both traditional and social mechanisms -- that drive people to its products. There is something refreshing about watching a company execute with excellence.

spent much of last week hanging out with Lenovo. Although much of what we chat about in those meetings can't be repeated, one thing I can talk about is how Lenovo almost stands alone in defending the PC. While there seems to be a consensus that the PC is dead and being stomped into its grave by wave after wave of smartphones and tablets, Lenovo missed that meeting. In a market defined by decline, it has demonstrated double digit growth.
It has done this by offering attractive, well-built products; by staying focused; and by executing some of the strongest marketing programs I've ever seen. Even its strategy against Apple is uniquely successful: It competes on PCs where Apple is relatively weak worldwide, and it focuses on smartphones outside the U.S. and predominantly in China, where Apple is geographically far weaker.
In short, Lenovo picks its fights to ensure that it is moving where the opportunities are strongest, where its skills are the most competitive, and where its competitors are the weakest.
I'll delve into why Lenovo is winning in a market that many seemed to think was failing and close with my product of the week: the Nokia Lumia 920, which is my new favorite phone.

Avoiding IBM's Mistake

The interesting thing about Lenovo is that at its core it has the old IBM PC company and the ThinkPad line of products. What makes this interesting is that the last time we had the industry decide something was dead in the computer space, it was the mainframe. IBM agreed and chased the client-server market. During that time, Sun Microsystems -- the equivalent of Apple in that segment -- seemed unbeatable, and IBM almost went under.
Eventually IBM reinvested in the mainframe and established a new brand -- System Z. It is now the company's most profitable line, and Sun has gone out of business as a separate company. In hindsight, had IBM fought the perception that its platform was dead rather than embracing it, it would have been billions ahead of where it is now.
Taking a page from IBM's book, Lenovo realized that PCs were what it knew best. Rather than sacrifice its strength to chase vendors like Apple and Samsung, it focused on doing what it does best even better -- and it paid off. It effectively institutionalized the IBM mistake instead of remaking it.

Beating Apple

What's fascinating about watching how others have competed with Apple goes back to how Apple succeeded in the last decade. Its success wasn't in becoming a better Dell or IBM. In fact, its one big failure was in servers, where it failed catastrophically trying to compete against entrenched vendors. Among Apple's other products, PCs have been the weakest -- largely due to competition from established vendors and an entrenched Windows operating system.
Apple's successes have been in the MP3 player segment, where the main competitors were smaller than Apple; in smartphones, where the market initially was focused on business and not consumers; and in tablets -- but only after Microsoft's efforts had largely failed in-market. At no instant did Apple ever attack a market where a strong vendor was strongest. Contrast this with Microsoft's Zune effort: Microsoft chose a market where a strong vendor, Apple, was strongest, and it failed catastrophically.
Apple is weakest on business PCs, and Lenovo is strongest with its ThinkPad, a business PC line. Apple is weakest in Asia geographically, while Lenovo is strongest in Asia, and that is where it entered the market with smartphones. This is strategic thinking, and strategic thinking works -- for Lenovo, it is working very well.

Marketing Magic

The technology market is awash with engineering-driven companies that believe that if they build lots of very different products and throw them into the market, most of them will sell. The expectation is that customers will gravitate to the products they want.
Most companies don't seem to understand the power of marketing and that it is this power that has driven Apple's bottom line so strongly. Marketing allows a firm to drive people to a smaller selection of products, which, if done correctly, results in fewer mistakes and much higher sales success.
Lenovo has taken a page from Apple's book, largely by using an Apple trained CMO, David Roman, to drive its marketing efforts and by leveraging social media. For instance, this videowas created by some of the folks who do the James Bond films, and it went viral. The product it showcases -- the Lenovo Yoga Windows 8 tablets -- has been the showcase OEM tablet for Windows 8 as a result.
Lenovo wins because it invests in marketing, it gets quality marketing people, and it executes strong demand-focused campaigns -- using both traditional and social mechanisms -- that drive people to its products.

Wrapping Up: Winning

I'm in a room with a ton of technology analysts. Of the 25 people in my section, three of us are on tablets, while the rest are on notebooks. Of the three tablet users, two of us are using keyboards, so our tablets are effectively notebook surrogates. The one guy who is using his tablet as a tablet has his notebook computer right next to it so he can do real work. Ironically, I'm the only person who left my notebook at home and brought only a tablet.
Lenovo has realized that the PC market isn't dead and that Apple isn't invulnerable, and it is investing accordingly. As a result, Lenovo is growing the fastest among its peers and doing the best against Apple in the most segments.
There is something refreshing about watching a company execute with excellence. Whether it is Apple or Lenovo, it is great to see firms think strategically to out-execute their peers. I just wish other executive teams would watch more closely so more could be as successful.

Product of the Week: Nokia 920

Product of the Week
I finally got a Nokia 920, and it was worth the wait. What makes the Nokia different from the Windows 8 HTC phone I covered earlier is that it has a much better camera. Also, you can use an inductive charger. It is aggressively priced at AT&T at just under US$100 with a two-year contract.
I use my phone camera as my primary camera, and the combination of active stability control, a good flash, and an excellent imager easily makes this the best phone camera in the market and one of my best cameras, period.
Nokia 920
Nokia 920
The inductive charging is wonderful. I often find I'm struggling to get the damn charging plug into a device late at night and often don't seat the plug properly and end up with a dead phone. With inductive charging, you just put the phone on the charge. Even half asleep, I can do that.
Nokia ships with one of the best GPS apps in the market, and it is free with the phone. Some Windows phones require a monthly charge to enable GPS. This is one of the few4G phones that has all-day battery life -- most run out of power in about six to eight hours, leaving you on fumes or dead by the end of the day.
My only real complaint is the phone doesn't come in blue. Apparently folks love this phone, because record sales had Nokia stock up about 30 percent last week. Since this is the best phone I've ever tested, the Nokia 920 is my product of the week.

By Rob Enderle

Return of the King GNOME 2 Is Making Its Way Back

Return of the King: GNOME 2 Is Making Its Way Back

"GNOME is a big boy and was the preferred DE for many experienced users, as well as classical GNU/Linux distributions' default DE," said Google+ blogger Gonzalo Velasco C. "So, there must be acompromise between the developers' avant-gardeideas and what power users need and want to use.

With all the drama and pathos that plays out each and every day here in the Linux blogosphere, the temptation to equate the stories of today with classic tales from the world of literature can sometimes be overwhelming.
Take the world of Linux desktops, for example. For years the users lived happily under the reign of GNOME 2; suddenly, Unity and GNOME 3 appeared on the horizon, and that simple world changed forever.
GNOME 2 was banished from the castle grounds, and loyal subjects across the land fell into a deep state of mourning. Unity and GNOME 3 earned followers of their own, to be sure, but the older generations lamented the loss of their longtime favorite.
A dark cloud hung over the land; bitterness and despair became the status quo.

An Announcement Is Made

Just when many desktop Linux users were about to give up hope, however -- not to mention turn to Xfce -- hope bloomed once againwith the arrival of MATE, Cinnamon and SolusOS.
Then, just last week, countless users' prayers were answered when it was announced that GNOME 2 was coming back.
The practical result? Standing room only down at the blogosphere's rowdy Punchy Penguin Saloon.

'Irreparable Harm'

"This will be great news to those who miss the classic user interface and who still have not found an alternative," Robin Lim, a lawyer and blogger on Mobile Raptor, told Linux Girl over a fresh round of Tequila Tux cocktails.
As for Lim himself, however, "I will still be using GNOME 3," he added. "It is my favorite desktop interface, but I pretty much get along with everything. I really don't spend much time on the desktop, with 99 percent of my time spent looking at the interface of an app."
It took the GNOME project "way too long, and they may have done irreparable harm to their future prospects," Google+ blogger Kevin O'Brien opined. "But in one way it illustrates the strength of Free Software: if users do not like what you are doing, they can fork the project, and do it the way *they* want.
"When you saw distros dropping GNOME and picking up MATE and Cinnamon, you saw this in action," O'Brien explained. "In the final analysis, it is the users who determine where the technology goes because they vote with their feet."

'It's About Usability'

Google+ blogger Gonzalo Velasco C. had a similar take.
"Besides the aesthetic and modernizing point of view, the usability factor must be taken into account by developers," he told Linux Girl. "Users want to keep the 'computer-like' control of our desktop; not everything is a touch-screen, smartphone piece of hardware!
"GNOME is a big boy and was the preferred DE for many experienced users, as well as classical GNU/Linux distributions' default DE," Gonzalo Velasco C. added. "So, there must be acompromise between the developers' avant-garde ideas and what power users need and want to use.
"It's not about inertia and fear of change, it's about usability!" he concluded.

'A Household Name'

"GNOME was never my favorite desktop," Google + blogger Alessandro Ebersol began. "It was just ugly, I always preferred KDE."
However, "when KDE made the change to version 4, I could not go on with it," Ebersol added. "Of course, the early days of KDE 4 were terrible, but then, I moved on to other DE and life went smooth."
GNOME, on the other hand, "was a household name," he noted. "It worked. And desktops are not rocket science. GNOME devs tried to emulate what KDE devs had done, but it worked way better for KDE than for GNOME.
"Long story short: Don't fix if ain't broken," Ebersol concluded. "GNOME devs took too much time to realize it."

'Too Little, Too Late?'

Is the latest move enough? Consultant and Slashdot blogger Gerhard Mack wasn't so sure.
"This is a halfhearted attempt at bringing the old desktop back if you are willing to go through the trouble, and it still seems that they don't understand that people hate the new desktop," Mack asserted.
Similarly, "I'll believe it when I see it," agreed Slashdot blogger hairyfeet. "From the way they phrased it, frankly, it sounds more like the GIMPed Win 8 'desktop mode' than a full-fledged GNOME 2."
Not only that, but "is it too little, too late?" hairyfeet wondered. "After all, there is MATE and Unity and LXDE -- does GNOME have enough people that haven't moved on yet to make this a big deal?"

'They Have to Leave Us the Option'

Blogger Robert Pogson hasn't used GNOME much for years "because it and KDE are both resource-hogs," he told Linux Girl. "I have PCs to get my work done, not to make some GUIdevelopers' wet dreams."
A useful user interface "does not have to be heavy and bloated, with a dozen services scurrying underneath to make it all happen," Pogson explained. "I use Xfce 4, which runs like a rocket and does not have dreams of retraining me."
In fact, "I have used the rectangular regions with widgets things for two decades," he said. "I see no reason to change at this stage."
Looking ahead, "GNOME and KDE should both realize no solution suits everyone," Pogson concluded. "We don't all drive Cadillacs, for instance. If either GUI's developers want to take over the world, they have to leave us the option to go GNOME 2ish -- it could be a choice made by the user on first execution or an easily found configuration option."

'I Like Having Choices'

Last but not least, "I love this, as I always like to have more options," Google+ blogger Linux Rants opined.
"I actually really like the current GNOME 3 interface, and I'm a fan of Unity as well," Linux Rants told Linux Girl. "Despite that, I still load up KDE or E sometimes."
In general, "I like having choices, and Linux means that I don't have to stick to just one," he concluded. "We're not talking Windows or OS X here. I just hope that this doesn't stagnate development on UIs that don't resemble the classic GNOME interface."

iTunes 11 I Want to Be More Impressed Than I Am

iTunes 11: I Want to Be More Impressed Than I Am

iTunes 11 remains an improvement because it's much faster than the old iTunes. It's snappier in navigation, and the elements load up and transition more quickly. The iCloud integration seems better, too. You can, for instance, set it up so that if you buy a TV show on your MacBook Pro, it'll download to your iOS devices, too. Like my iPhone. So I can download an episode of "Homeland" on my Mac, start watching it and pick up where I left off on my iPhone.

After the iTunes 11 delivery delay, I was hoping Apple was working through a seriously complicated redesign that would vastly improve my iTunes experience. Instead, we got iTunes 11, which looks like a huge improvement, but -- if anyone out in the world is at least somewhat like me -- is just a marginal improvement with some pretty shininess built into it.

Granted, iTunes has a lot of mistresses to keep happy: It's not only a jukebox hub for music, it holds movies, TV shows, podcasts, iTunes U content, books, apps, and even ringtones. Plus, it's the store for buying or renting all Apple-oriented media and a conduit for synchronizing with iPhones, iPads, and iPods, not to mention the Apple TV.
Still, after two years since the last update, you'd think a $100-plus billion company would have the resources to knock our socks off.

                           iTunes 11 has a more visual interface and better integration between devices.

So What Goes Wrong?

Let's start with the album art. I used to think I was as pretty visual guy, attuned to visual things, but viewing my entire music library as a massive grid of colorful albums seems like a good way to incite a seizure. The default view is alphabetical order, which helps, but getting me to actually recognize which album cover holds the songs I want underneath it? Personally, I've got a long way to go before I'll be navigating by album cover. At the same time, I appreciate the digital nod to album covers as an important statement as to the musical personality of an artist's music. I like that, just not for navigation.
And yet, I almost want to try to teach myself to navigate by album cover, because when you click on one -- boom -- you get a wicked-fast drop-down window that shows all the songs you have belonging to the album. You can click a play or shuffle button to start playing right away -- or even add the album your new "Up Next" playlist. And what's the Up Next playlist? One of the best features in iTunes 11, but I'll get to that later. There's more to say about the album view: When you click on an album and get the drop-down details, it's clear that someone at Apple had their thinking hat on because the background color behind the songs is a perfect match to the dominate color element of actual album art. It's a subtle and pleasing detail -- the sort of thing I love about Apple's best products.
Sorting by Artist view, you get album thumbnails with the songs that you own next to each album cover. It's visual and handy without being particularly efficient unless you are, again, an album-art visual thinker. It is fast, though, and that's its saving grace.

Consider Enabling the Sidebar

If you click on Songs to navigate, you'll get a more familiar spreadsheet sort of view of your music that's sortable by name, artist, album, genre, rating, plays, and even the length of time the track will play. You'll also likely see some little "download from iCloud" icons. In my case, I saw all the old music I previously bought from iTunes but now hate so much I tried to delete it from my life. With iCloud, that's hard to do. If I delete it here, will it show up next time I upgrade iTunes? I'll have to get into iTunes somehow and systematically try to hide these from view forever, if possible.
In addition, there are a lot of tracks that show up as duplicates for me -- I have a version that is on my hard drive in my library as well as the same track available for download from iCloud. I'm not sure what gives here. I used to be an iTunes Match customer, but did not renew my subscription -- I just don't have enough non-iTunes-purchased music that I need accessible via iCloud for US$25 a year. For a handful of songs, I can move them around manually.
The question you'll have right away is, "Where the heck are all my playlists!?"
Ah, there's now a top navigation item for Playlists. Click it and a left sidebar will appear with your playlists in it. But there's no way to click on elements of your Library, like Music, to see all your songs. To do that, you'll need to change your view scheme back to Songs with the top horizontal navigation bar. But what if you want to see all your TV shows? Ah, there's a selectable button for that at the top left, which, if you're following me, is on Music. Click it and you can select TV Shows, which drops you into the icon/album-like art view of your TV shows. Click on an icon and you also get the cool drop-down info, which gives you the episode list. You can also sort by Unwatched, Genres, and simply, a spreadsheet-like List view.
Movies functions in a similar way, but select Books, for example, and you get the pretty covers and little else. Why? You can't, for some reason I still can't fathom, read a damn iBook on your Mac. It is 2012, is it not? But iTunes will store them for you with a handy glass shield over the content. You can unlock it with an iOS device though. Handy? Hardly.

Meanwhile, the Nav Starts Growing on You

As I got used to the new navigation, there was still a sense of something missing. I didn't realize what it was until I tried to load up a bunch of holiday music on my old iPod nano: The left sidebar is gone, and when it's gone, it's hard to figure out how to find the right music to sync to the iPad nano. I was seriously lost for five minutes. Eventually, I created a new playlist, then found my list of big songs, then sorted by genre, then added the songs to the playlist, then synced it up with my iPod nano. Intuitive? Not like it was before. Maybe it was just as fast, but I'm not sure.
Either way, how can you avoid this? Show the old sidebar. Go to the View menu and select Show Sidebar. Whew! You get your familiar left side sidebar with easy access to all your stuff! Nice.
Except, what happens? If you show this sidebar, you effectively erase two new navigation elements -- the left horizontal selectable content button and the far right iTunes Store button. Yes, these links are now available in the old-school left side column, so they aren't redundant. But what happens? Learn to navigate the new way? Or stick with the old? I'm of the mind that important software programs like iTunes should nudge users into the new styles of navigation the creators believe is important moving forward. Give us the redundant buttons and hope that we'll start using the right-side iTunes Store button and move with the future. Simple as that.

The New Store

There's not a lot to say here. It's definitely faster, which in itself in a fantastic improvement, as well as a little prettier. Is it fundamentally better or easier to navigate? Not really. Take, for instance, your Wish List feature. Say that you see a movie that you want to rent and watch, but just not now. Can you put it in your Wish List? Nope! Oh wait, you can if you want to buy the movie but you can't if you want to rent it. Apple has been asleep at the wheel with the Wish List for years. Even has this down. I can dump something into my shopping cart at then save it for later where it's handy to me. But what if Amazon stops selling it? No problem. They leave it there for me and say it's no longer for sale or that price changed from when I first put it in. Easy. Nice. Handy. But with Apple? No freaking way. You either buy it now, rent it now, or forget it ever existed.

Ah, but isn't there a new feature for this? In the upper right, there's a "History" icon list button. Click it, and it'll show you the items you bothered to preview in iTunes. So a song that you previewed a week ago but didn't actually buy, but now that you've hear it on the radio a few more times, ok, you're ready to find it again and buy it. You can find it easily through this little History feature. I like it. Does it solve the evaluation-before-you-buy need? No. How about the save-for-later need? No.
With features like this, I get the feeling that iTunes is marvelous for customers with unlimited iTunes buying budgets.

So What's Right About iTunes 11?

Despite the disappointments, iTunes 11 remains an improvement, first and foremost because it's much faster than the old iTunes. It's snappier in navigation and the elements load up and transition more quickly. I love this.
The iCloud integration seems better, too. You can, for instance, set it up so that if you buy a TV show on your MacBook Pro, it'll download to your iOS devices, too. Like my iPhone. So I can download an episode of "Homeland" on my Mac, start watching it, and if my iPhone had enough time to download it, I can pick up where I left off in the episode on my iPhone.
You can also use Apple's more visual navigation scheme if you can -- and revert to old helpers, like the sidebar, if you need to. That's smart. That will go a long way to helping guys like me out. iTunes is fundamentally decent, of course, especially given the wide variety of things it's able to do reasonably well.
Plus, if this isn't obvious to you now, it should be: Apple is "touchifying" its Mac applications, and iTunes shows a glimpse of the future: While you get irritated with the visual nature of the new iTunes 11, consider iTunes 11 on a touch-sensitive iMac screen. Suddenly the ability to touch and flick and select is much more intuitive and user-friendly.
If I were reviewing the new iTunes 11 on a touchscreen-based iMac, I'd be gushing.

Last of All, the 'Up Next' Playlist

With iTunes 11, Apple delivered on fantastic new feature: The Up Next playlist. Basically, this is a dynamic playlist that you can create or clear on the fly as you navigate through music. Say you have a big playlist but only have time or want to listen to a dozen work-friendly songs. You can step through the playlist and add those items to your Up Next playlist on the fly. Mess around with it, get used to it, and I'm guessing you'll start liking it. I do.
At the same time, a word of advice: Notice the little circle button with the ">" symbol inside of it. This little button gives you a popup window that lets you add items to Up Next as well as jump to other views. It's handy and important to your experience with the new iTunes 11. If you get on board with that little button, as well as appreciate Up Next, it'll jumpstart your appreciation for iTunes 11.

By Chris Maxcer
Part of the ECT News Network


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